Eyeworld Daily News

2024 EyeWorld Daily News Sunday

EyeWorld Today is the official daily of the ASCRS Symposium & Congress. Each issue provides comprehensive coverage editorial coverage of meeting presentations, events, and breaking news

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SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2024 A S C R S A N N U A L M E E T I N G DAILY NEWS 38 ASCRS ASOA Party for a Purpose 28 ASOA Opening General Session 06 'X-Rounds' roundup continued on page 3 Dr. Weikert delivers the Binkhorst Lecture. Source: ASCRS EXPERIENCE DEXTENZA VISIT BOOTH 555 LEARN MORE AT DEXTENZA.COM © 2024 Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. All rights reserved. DEXTENZA is a registered trademark of Ocular Therapeutix, Inc. PP-US-DX-0411-V3 He mentioned both non-normal dis- tributions and single lens constants. He mentioned refraction predic- tion error, which is the main measure of performance. Mean numerical error tells how formulas consistent- ly perform. You also look at RMS How are we doing? Across the board, cataract surgeons are about 74% within about 0.5 D of target, he said, but can improve to 92%. Sources of error in IOL power calculations include effective lens position, postop refraction, axial length, and corneal power. People are trying to get around this, he said. As formulas have evolved, they've incorporated various ways to get around or mitigate some of these sources of error, but modern formu- las are black boxes. You can study how they perform, but we don't have insight into their inner workings. Things break down when patients' eyes are more atypical, Dr. Weikert said. He took a quick detour to discuss statistics. There's confusion and debate on how to best analyze performance in atypical eyes. ASCRS Main Stage features Binkhorst Lecture, guest speaker, and 'X-Factor: Women Leading by Example' S aturday morning's ASCRS Main Stage session featured a guest speaker, a special panel featuring female leaders in ophthalmology, and the Binkhorst Lecture. Binkhorst Lecture: IOL calculations in atypical eyes This year's Cornelius D. Binkhorst, MD, Lecture was given by Mitchell Weikert, MD, who spoke on the topic of IOL calculations in atypical eyes. He said that this is an important topic and an area where his team at Baylor has done a lot of work. Dr. Weikert said he was also hoping that attendees would walk away with several pearls from his lecture to use in their practices.

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