Eyeworld Daily News

2013 ASCRS•ASOA San Francisco Daily News Monday

EyeWorld Today is the official daily of the ASCRS Symposium & Congress. Each issue provides comprehensive coverage editorial coverage of meeting presentations, events, and breaking news

Issue link: https://daily.eyeworld.org/i/124056

Contents of this Issue


Page 42 of 71

It's You It's Your Booth. our Resource Center Saturday, April 20–Tuesday, April 23 Moscone South Booth 1426 Meet with colleagues, relax, watch MediaCenter videos, and browse our publications. Journal of Cataract & Refractive Surgery r BookstorerEyeWorldNews.BHB[JOF Administrative Eyecare.BHB[JOFrOphthalmology Business.BHB[JOF Staff members will be available to answer your questions. .FNCFSTIJQ .FFUJOHT &EVDBUJPO BOE(PWFSONFOU3FMBUJPOTrFZF1"$ $PSOFB4PDJFUZr&ZF8PSMEr$-"0r 'PVOEBUJPO Resource Center Marriott Marquis, Yerba Buena Grand Assembly An additional ASOA Resource Center is available for your convenience.

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